Retailising Private Assets

We act for a substantial number of investment fund and financial product providers, including stand-alone fund management houses and the investment arms of integrated houses. We also advise depositaries, custodians and administrators.

We work on all types of regulated funds, (UCITS, Non-UCITS and Qualified Investor Schemes) as well as Property Authorised Investment Funds (PAIFs), Funds of Alternative Investment Funds (FAIFs) and Charity Authorised Investment Funds (CAIFs).

We support clients with:

  • the formation of new regulated funds (unit trusts, OEICs and ACSs);
  • product design, including firms both in the traditional long only area and in alternatives, to explore the potential of "liquid alternative" funds;
  • on-going changes to fund ranges including mergers, changes to investment policies, changes to service providers and terminations;
  • the migration and amalgamation of funds between different jurisdictions;
  • marketing and distribution advice including cross-border registration of UCITS funds both into the UK and other Member States of the EEA, AIFMD notifications and reviewing distribution and platform agreements;
  • preparing and negotiating fund management agreements;
  • reviewing and negotiating service provider agreements such as depositary and custody agreements, administration agreements, and hosting or sponsorship agreements;
  • amending fund documentation in preparation for regulatory changes such as MiFID II; and
  • all related regulatory matters such as conduct of business rules, CASS, regulatory capital, RDR, UCITS V and VI, AIFMD, remuneration, PRIIPs, conduct risk, client and product documentation, general commercial / contractual matters (including GDPR) and outsourcing.

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