Listed Funds

Our listed funds practice has a long-standing expertise on advising in relation to investment trusts, real estate investment trusts (or REITs) and all other forms of listed funds. In particular, our full service practice means that we have a deep understanding of the tax, regulatory and commercial environment in which any listed fund operates.

We advise clients in relation to:

  • initial public offerings (IPOs) of listed funds on both the main market and AIM;  
  • secondary fundraisings and sales for listed funds, including placings, rights issues, open offers and other structures (including the use of retail offers);
  • the use of onshore and offshore vehicles for listed funds;
  • the advantages and disadvantages of internally and externally listed funds, including the appropriate regulatory approach for each;
  • the relationship between listed funds and their managers (including in relation to changing managers);  and  
  • mergers and acquisitions in relation to listed funds.   

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