Chloe Edworthy Partner

Chloë specialises in complex and cross-border litigation and arbitration for corporates, financial institutions and high-net-worth individuals.

Chloë acts for a broad range of domestic and international clients in respect of both High Court litigation and international arbitration involving jurisdictions all over the world, including the UK, the US, throughout Europe, the Caribbean, Singapore, Indonesia and Mexico.

Chloë's recent experience has involved disputes concerning shareholder disputes and failed joint ventures, post-M&A disputes, fraud and conspiracy, the mis-selling of complex financial products, enforcement and breach of contract claims in various industries and sectors.

She is a Solicitor-Advocate with experience of arbitration under many different arbitral institutions including LCIA, ICC, SIAC, CIETAC, DIS, LMAA, Swiss Rules and ICSID.

In 2020, Chloë spent time on secondment to the Litigation and Regulatory team at Goldman Sachs.

In 2015/2016, Chloë was seconded to a leading German law firm where she advised clients in relation to various international arbitrations (both commercial and investment treaty).

Chloë is a member of the London Solicitor Litigation Association, ArbitralWomen and the Young International Arbitration Group of the LCIA. She is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.

Chloë is a member of the inaugural City of London Law Society Arbitration Committee.

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